Rebecca Simon
Why I’m Involved:
These seeming conflicting statements actually collided and morphed into a career filled with passion that I never imagined as a child. Every day comes with a new inspiration – the boxes of artifacts in the basement of a repository meticulously put together accumulating dust, students opening up about their feelings about the past, the moment that I realized the Colorado Department of Education 4th grade social studies inquiry questions mimic the National Park Service eligibility criteria. I participate in this work because public archaeology and heritage education is not just about professionals presenting their work to the general public, but about putting “people first” and showing how especially archaeology may actually improve people’s lives. Archaeologists often study “other cultures,” and “past peoples,” but for every “other culture,” there is a “my culture,” and for every “past person,” there is someone in the present. These words also led me to believe in IHE’s vision, thus I am honored to be a part of its creation.
Bio: Rebecca (Becca) is the Assistant State Archaeologist in the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation at History Colorado. In the past, Becca was a supervisory archaeologist on the Northern Chaco Outliers Project at Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. Becca has Bachelor's degrees from Pennsylvania State University and a Master's degree in Anthropology from Colorado State University. Growing up in Washington, D.C., Becca visited the Smithsonian often and fell in love with history and archaeology. Becca’s experience includes teaching, interpretation, collections management, and cultural resource management. She has field experience in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Kansas, and southern Jordan. Her interests include Southwest archaeology, the protohistoric era, public outreach, preservation, skiing, ultimate frisbee, roller derby, and most importantly her dog, Minnie.
“You are going to be my grandchild’s elementary school teacher someday.”
– KJ Anderson, High School Debate Coach.
“If you want to get a job in archaeology, go into CRM,”
– Dr. Dean Snow, Penn State professor freshman year.
“Thank you for taking me on the tour today.
I wouldn’t have learned as much if I hadn’t gone with you,”
– Elementary school student.